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Here we go! You can use our baptismal font either »Buy or "Rent.

You will also find valuable information on this page »Accesories for your Baptizo.



Which accessories do you need for your Baptizo?

That would be a good water pump, sufficiently long hoses with the appropriate fittings and possibly a few hose clamps. That's it!


 Do you already know our brand new storage bag? 



Do you only rarely need a baptismal font? Or do you want to test things out first?

Then simply rent your Baptizo!

And the best thing about it is: We take care of the return shipping completely for you.

All the accessories with pump, hoses, etc. are included to suit your location!



No matter whether cinema, hotel, community or outdoor. Finally baptize regardless of location or weather!


The Baptizo is extremely quick to assemble and dismantle and can also be stored in the shipping box provided to save space.


A specially developed design visually integrates the Baptizo perfectly into your setting.


We offer you a lifetime, all-round satisfaction guarantee on your Baptizo.



Which accessories do you need for your Baptizo?

Here we recommend a coordinated set with links to Amazon, which we also have at our locationsEcclesia Church use. Alternatively, you can also find everything directly in the hardware store and experience has shown that you often already have some of the right things on site, such as a garden hose for filling or a cordless screwdriver. If shorter hoses or a smaller pump are sufficient for you, you can of course also change the recommendations to suit your needs.

Why are we doing this?

Occasionally we are asked whether we can also offer the accessories as a set. Well, that would end up being to your detriment. Since we can only access the same channels here, it simply wouldn't make sense in terms of price due to additional costs such as shipping and taxes. Our heart lies above all in Baptizo itself. But speaking from experience: If the worst comes to the worst, we don't want to argue with you and will of course offer you this luxury. For this special order, i.e. accessories perfectly suited to your location, we charge 269 euros gross. If you are interested, please write us an email here!

 *** Note: You will only see the following products with the ad blocker deactivated***

Kann ich das Zubehör auch direkt über die Webseite als Set kaufen?

Wir würden hier die gleichen Einkaufskanäle wie ihr verwenden. Daher wäre das preislich durch zusätzliche Kosten wie Versand und Steuern weniger sinnvoll für euch. Unser Herz hängt vor allem am Baptizo selbst. Aber: Im Fall der Fälle, wollen wir nicht mit euch streiten und werden euch diesen Luxus natürlich anbieten. Schreibt uns bei Interesse hier eine kurze Mail!

GARDENA Classic Hose
(1/2 "/ 18m)

GARDENA Quick Connection Set (tap or external connection)

EINHELL GE-DP 5220 LL Eco submersible pump, 520W, 13500L / h

Quick coupling 1 1/2 "IT pump connection (GEKA system)

QUARZFLEX suction hose 32mm (1 1/4 ")

Quick coupling 1 1/4 "hose nozzle (GEKA system)

*** Hinweis: Es handelt sich um bezahlte Werbelinks. Das heißt als Amazon-Partner verdiene ich an qualifizierten Verkäufen eine Kleinigkeit, wofür dir aber keinerlei Mehrkosten entstehen.***




If you have any questions about accessories, please contact us at any time.

We are guaranteed to find the right solution for your location!



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